*I worked on a beautiful 80 ft. shrimp boat one summer
*Salmon is my entree of choice, always
*Seeing my 3 on the platform all together is what heart failure must surely feel like
*Every day of my life travel to some exotic place is imagined
*Dinner at Panino's then jazz at USM with my 3 cause me a distinct sense of wholeness
*Books, books, books please
*My heart sings "I was born to live here" when I walk the streets of NYC
*I feel as if I'm on the school bus in my pj's when I don't wear heels
*Sitting with Tyler late in the evening at Backdoor Cafe is treasured time
*Jackie O sunglasses complete me
*I could be considered an elegant "goth" for all the black I wear (though I always embellish with colorful, gaudy and bold accessories)
*I collect paper weights
*A beautiful glass filled with white grape juice, candlelight in a red votive, fresh flowers (in a vase I brought home from Paris), my TV combo on the counter, and bubbles up to my ears make all seem right in the world
*Tay humming (a common occurance) always reminds me of my mother..oh such sweet emotions having my daughter and my mother connected
*My first visit to Paris caused total, delicious, emotional upheaval..the only place I felt calm was in the museums
*I fantasize about being lost in southern Italy in a teeny little car
*The sounds of a guitar strumming coming from Boo's room makes me teary eyed on most occasions
*Antartica is the only continent of the major 7 that I have no desire to see (I've seen 4)
*Laying in the grass around midnight staring up into the Eiffel Tower was an epiphany
*The 3 most profound words of my entire life were "It's a girl!"
*Realizing that all "men" are not equal shocked me deeply..I'm thinking of taking a chance=)
*My inspiration for this blog came from SAG=)